Wednesday, December 12, 2007

12.12.07 - untitled

so the day started out with me and drew shooting this building

the location ended up like this...

so we decided to go elsewhere and do some... well...



could easily become

an addiction
jim baker



whoa...awesome shoot. could be some of your best!!!

JStanford said...

dude, where did you go??
Let's go again after I get home :D

Jim Baker said...

best yet? meh... i'm not so sure... it was fun though...

this was hilltop road... i'm not sure about going back there, the floor boards were not all that safe feeling, we didn't even enter one room because of it... theres probably a reason why there are no tresspassing signs everywhere...

i'm really NOT trying to get locked up before i leave for hawaii... ya know?

jim baker

Cheryl said...

Where is that first building at? I love it.

Jim Baker said...

cheryl... its near UMBC and its off of asylum road thats all i remember, I bet if you google mapped it you could find it...