Tuesday, December 11, 2007

ABC Wednesday - U

(actually shot this last night for this shoot)

and here are some older ones...


underground again

(now thats a good U word...)
existing or being everywhere, esp. at the same time; omnipresent

jim baker


Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

an unassuming utilitarian collection of useful urbanity.

beachgirl said...

Hi Jim,
I have just been sick, out and about, going to the beach trying to kick this cold.
I got some good shots at the toy run last Sunday. It was a little loud. But 30,000 bikes were not all running at the same time. The low rumble was impressive though. Mine is a Jap bike, so it doesn't have the Harley rumble or vibration.
I have to get ready for my next show is March. Any ideas? I am going to do one wall in black and white I think.

When do you leave for Hawaii?

hpy said...

We should be ubiquitous in order to comment everywhere at the same time. But please come in for a glass of wine. There's not much left, so hurry up.

Andrea said...

Good "U" post.

kml said...

A great collection of U's!

dot said...

I really like that last one!

bonnie said...

Wow Jim, great job and great photos. I considered "untied" as you saw "undone" and I thought of underwear, but then I got shy. :-) Looks like you are having fun with your ABCs. Happy Day. ybb.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Very good U Post love the shoe one

mrsnesbitt said...

ackworth has been at the dictionary again! LOL!

Great black and white...so dramatic!

Kerri Farley said...

GREAT U post! I think ya'll get more creative as the letters go!

I am very impressed with the U posts this week!

I don't do the ABC Wednesday but I sure LOVE seeing everyone's post each week.

Lara said...

and that is a great U post!

Pete M said...

The last one is great, did you do that with layers

Annie said...

I am so happy to meet another person who likes the word ubiquitous. Isn't it the greatest word!

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Very nice selection of photos. Have a happy time in Hawaii, you lucky person.

AVCr8teur said...

Cool tilt to your photos. I also like the Untied shoes and Underground which almost looks like the metro station in Washington DC.

photowannabe said...

Great photography and very good choices for U.
In answer to your question on my blog,I don't know if the clothes were used or not but I think they were new and of very poor quality.

Jim Baker said...

thanks to everyone that commented! V's up next? hmmm...

ackworth thanks for your very u themed comment

beachgirl no clue on a show since i've never done one, i hope to do one when i get back from hawaii... i leave jan 3

hpy yes i do find it semi overwhelming trying to leave so many comments on wednesdays did you drink up all that wine yet?

andrea,kml,dot - thanks!

bonnie - yeah i wnated to combine undone and underwear but i don't have any models to model that kind of stuff for me... haha

lilli, msnesbitt - thanks!

kerri - thanks, you should paratcipiate!!!

lara - thank you

peter m - it is indeed layers...

annie - ubiquitous is an amazing word... it just popped into my head a few weeks ago and i had to look it up but now i love it

digital flower - thanks! i am really looking forward to hawaii

avcr8teur - the one underground shot is indeed the dc metro... great eye. the train honked at me because i was standing so close it was really scary

photowannabe - thanks! and thanks for answering my question about the open market

cheers guys
jim baker

Neva said...

I so wanted to use the word "ubiquitous" --I am glad you were able to!