Friday, December 7, 2007

12.07.07 - Sounds of the Season (shots from last nite)

Last night I was asked to document my churches Christmas concert presented at a local high school where my congregation meets. It was a pretty big production for my small church but they did a great job!

A little bit of a photographer rant... I de-saturated these all to black and white to go with the 'documentary' feel... in reality I did it because the colors and lighting of the school were just plain ugly and distracting. Who do they pay to do the interior design of schools?! I wonder if kids would be in better moods if they decorated a little better. I need to be more conscious about my composition I didn't realize until I got my shots in the computer how BRIGHT the fluorescents show up and how distracting they are to the rest of the frame. Also I need to get better at telling a story through pictures. I feel like I captured some good shots here but I don't think if you just looked at the pictures you would know what was going on. I wish I had a longer lens last night, my 105 didn't get me in as close as I would have liked. Anyway onto the photos...

the choir

passing out candy canes

taking a break and watching the show

a giant overstuffed snow man dances as his wife smirks at him from the choir


taking a break

family smiles!

this is probably my post for today even though they are from yesterday, I am headed out somewhere near PA to play drums with my churches band at another church tonite. I ran through some songs on Wednesday and that was the first time I had touched a drumset since this summer and I didn't even play with the full band. So wish me luck! I might take my camera...

jim baker


JStanford said...

yessss. Sounds like fun...have a good time with the coffeehouse thing tonight

Jim Baker said...

thanks bro... it was interesting... e-mail me and we can chat about it...