Thursday, December 6, 2007

12.06.07 - snowy morning

We had a 2 hour delay for work today. (I work for the public school system) And I was sitting at my desk looking out the window and realized that I just needed to get out and shoot. I had to look up how to shoot snow because I knew there was some trick to doing it... the key is over exposing your photo a couple of stops. enjoy.


Lilli & Nevada said...

Oh that is really pretty i hope you keep it there tho, but unfortunately o think we are expecting to get some snow as well. If we do i will have to post some.

Andrea said...

Oh what I would give to see a snow. Beauitful pictures.

Jim Baker said...

thanks guys...

post some pics if you get any snow your way.

jim baker

dot said...

I'd love to see some snow too. I want to build a snowman.
Your pictures are very pretty.

Jim Baker said...

thanks dot... i haven't gotten a chance to get out and play in it quite yet... not quite enough for that. :)

jim baker