Saturday, October 6, 2007

10.06.07 - lights and shadows

if you can't appreciate this you smoke crack.

its all about prespective. I was laying on my bed and saw this scene so i decided to capture it for todays post.

i subbed for a class on friday and one of the students said something smart about smoking crack and i told him he shouldn't joke like that. he responded 'do i look like i smoke crack? i'd be the fattest crack head you've ever seen.' he had a point.

todays lesson, don't smoke crack.
jim baker


bonnie said...

love this one, just beautiful. so simple and... wow. Thank you for taking pictures and posting them. Don't ever stop. You've got something special. Good blurb too.

Jim Baker said...

YAY! i'm glad someone appreciates this peice... i think its one of my recent favorites... it didn't get very good reviews on :( oh well... thanks for taking the time to comment.