Monday, December 17, 2007


sorry about no post yesterday.

Yesterday I went to shoot my church's Christmas Pageant and I got there early and set up and shot while they were warming up trying to get individual headshots of each person in the choir. It worked out great because there was no audience so I was free to move around how I wanted. I had my camera with my new lens propped up on my tripod and was able to shoot pretty steadily.

I got home and imported them and everything that I shot during the early session was corrupted so i lost all of them. The shots after were shots that you've already seen.

That's the first time I've ever lost work like that...

I can totally see why reporters carry two bodies though when they are covering events, one with a wide angle and one with a telephoto. I wish I would have had two bodies yesterday. It's nearly impossible to switch out lenses quickly and grab the shots you need.

Today is my last week of work...
jim baker

p.s its 81 in hawaii right now... haha soon I will be there and not have to deal with weather in the 30's.


Cheryl said...

":(" Sorry about your lost work.

You must be so excited about Hawaii. Those are the pics I want to see! I'm so envious of you!

Jim Baker said...

haha... i'll be sure to post pics when i'm in hawaii!


wha??? thats crazy man.
but, hawaii...dang man, i'm so jealous! *ahem* jealous FOR you:P

Lilli & Nevada said...

Lucky you.