Monday, December 10, 2007

12.10.07 - PG county...

went and hung out with some of the "UBF Kids" tonite... wanted to kick it one last time before I left for hawaii... we went and grabbed some food and then coffee and then did what follows.

you might recognize some of them from this post or this one

lighting portraits at night = impossible

the metro from a peir


david and me

sarah and me

elijah and me

hannah and me

group shot

jim baker



whoa dude, the metro shot came out NOICE.
nice KICKING it with you tonight jimbo! i'll email you:)

Jim Baker said...

haha good times!

JStanford said...

good stuff. The pic of the flash attempts made me laugh. As did the presence of the toothpick.

I am HOME in 72 hours!

bonnie said...

I really like the collage effects. 4-up looks good. Maybe in Hawaii you will get to shoot during the day.

Jim Baker said...

72 hours... huh? sounds like your looking forward to it jeff... ahhh the toothpick... they go everywhere with me, its an addiction. glad you enjoyed the flash attempts... haha

bonnie... 4 up? i don't get it... yeah i'm thinking in hawaii i can shoot during the day.

Lilli & Nevada said...

great photo shots of everyone

Jim Baker said...


Sarah said...

funfun timesss

Jim Baker said...


Rachel Barker said...

I can give you some pointers on lighting with flash at night if ya want.


Jim Baker said...

well i would like that VERY much... i'll shoot you an e-mail...

jim baker