Monday, October 22, 2007

10.22.07 - kiss my glass?

i met Bonnie today in person, she lives a whopping mile from my house. I'm thinking this is the first person i've met from the internet... but in reality, all of my photography clients and i speak on the internet before we meet in person... but this was different because Bonnie and I have been interacting more on a friend level and not a business level for the past month, commenting on each others blogs. She has a beautiful home, very colorful, very aristicly decorated... bright and open, i want to shoot her house. Bonnie originally found my blog and commented on a shot that I did of a glass. We decided that we should get together and I should try to shoot some of her glass art. She has a lot of great peices... I knew shooting glass was hard, but I didn't know HOW hard. We experiemented for a long time and then about 3 hours into the process I think we got it. We only walked away with 6 peices shot and I hope Bonnie's pleased with them. It was a good learning experience, it just took a lot longer than I think both of us had planned. Bonnie was extreemly gracious and patient with me... I even knicked one of her walls moving a table back when I left (I'm sorry!)

I think that has been the most writing I've done yet on this blog... onto the photos.

each peice is about 6" square and placed in a matted shadow box.

gangsta tot lot,
jim baker


bonnie said...

So Jim, I think this is gonna work out for you. If I want people to see my artwork, I'll send them to your blog. Yippee. Beautiful job. I am a happy girl tonite. Love the pics.

Anonymous said...

this stuff's pretty amazing... hats off to bonnie... the shots are good... hats off to you... i'm a bit more of a fan of even lighting (less shadow), but i understand the complexity of this subject. glad you're stretching yourself.

bonnie said...

I'm interested too in the responses to the photography. I think we might be able to get less shadow....oh but i forgot, that means more glare. It really is hard.

Happyone said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and for leaving such a nice message. You were right, I was out walking. :-) I have taken a couple walking vacations. England and Ireland. There are links to both on the right side of my walking blog.
You have taken some great photos of Bonnie's beautiful glass art.

Portia said...

I'm glad you guys stuck with it because the final product is beautiful!

Cheryl said...

I'm glad to see the results of your collaboration with Bonnie. Very cool. I didn't realize that shooting glass art had so many challenges. I think you did a great job.

Jim Baker said...

thanks everybody... i'm all about collaboration! make sure you all leave comments on bonnies site too she's the real artist!