this was my little mobile workstation at the wedding i shot last weekend.
Bonnie just wrote a post and wants to get more visual with her blog... I've been thinking about my blog here a lot latley too... I wanted to write just some thoughts out but wondered if i could even do so without posting some sort of picture since this is my photography blog... this picture took a few attempts at uploading too so I almost posted without a picture... something I have not yet done on this blog. Obviously there are no RULES its my blog I can do what i want but... I'm rambling...
I go through this stage every once in a while... (more often than I'd like to admit) where I see someone elses work and just get so discontent with my own. Last night I saw
these pictures here of Clara's (whom I dont' know) following blog links and am just in awe. They just have that 'artsy' feel... I think my pics are ussualy technically sound but I feel I really lack creativity and artistic edge in my work. I think that these pics can be classified with the whole 'deviant art' scene... kind of post modern emo art. Dark, simple and clean but extreemly communicative. I love this stuff... but this style doesn't show up in my work. Maybe its just not who i am... its like me trying to play heavy rock music, i could kind of fake it but it wasn't me.
I'm not searching for compliments on my work, and this isn't a competition with anyone so we don't need to compare... but i just get frustrated. Yesterday I deleted a BUNCH of pics from my
portfolio... and as I flip through these past two months of work that I've been posting I'm really not satisfied. There are SOME good pictures, but there are some pics that I posted that are utter crap. My original intention though was to just GET OUT and shoot everyday, i think this is the most consistent I've been with anything in my life ever... so at least I'm meeting that goal. I've learned a lot too over the past few months too just by getting out and shooting on the regular.
I'm also frustrated that the pics from the first wedding set I posted didn't all show up. Does anyone know what that is about? Does blogger have a limit? I remember my friend
Michaela had this problem with a
blog she set up last year for the movie she was helping on, but when I went there to find the link all of her pics showed up.
I'm feeling kind of uninspired... I've got some trips coming up that hopefully will stoke that fire.
I tried backing up my WHOLE harddrive last night and it didn't work. I'm going to need a external harddrive soon anyway, two years worth of pictures is filling mine up.
Where I'm getting the money for that... i don't know.
I guess its good that I'm not satisfied with my current state of art... there is always room to improve. I try to constantly look at other peoples work.
Two big peices of advice that
Hannah Westphall said when she got back from her School of Documentary Photography (Michaela was in this school too) was to constantly look at other peoples work and figure out why you like it and just get out there and shoot.
I try to do those things... and I try to always tell people that are asking me advice on photography these two things. Maybe at another time I'll post all of the places that I frequent for inspiration.
blah blah blah,
jim baker