Wednesday, July 18, 2007


heres my hotel room...

heres my bathroom
(notice the seat... yeah i had to ask for that)

tito and I

this was taken back at the education center like the first week... heres my team in Comitan.
(yes mark and I are being goofy...)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Mex pics...

Pics from my trip so far...


6:30am morning excercises... think of all the asian military movies you see where people are in rows doing drills... yup... every morning except sunday.

Grace playing with stray puppies in a village.

No post process at all... the water was really that blue... Mark and I kayaked in it and then swam in it... (if you want to call it swimming)

and my favorite pic so far. :)

Centro Educativo Ichthus

Heres where I'm staying for the summer... its a korean run education center for mexicans in Chiapas Mexico. I'm here assisting with english courses and giving music lessons. We are also helping out with some village outreaches. This building is uncommonly beautiful.

library and all purpose meeting room


my dorm

the left is the cafeteria and to the right are the classrooms

the cafeteria