Monday, December 3, 2007

12.03.07 - in one month i'll be boarding a plane

This month is going to FLY by. Why when you click on a picture now does it download instead of open up in a new window? Is that a new blogger thing or did I change a setting? Also, my camera reset its numbers :( I was nearing 10,000 frames and now my camera reset that number.

I really want to get my feet wet with off camera lighting, I'm not sure exactly how that is going to happen. Since I need the gear that I don't have and it seems to all be in over my head. I'm working to not get to overwhelmed and realize that this school is a place for me to learn, not to go and know it all already. I put up a new self portrait last night and realized it was dumb so I changed it to another one that you've seen before. I also worked with my macro filter. And below the macros are a couple of shots of a party i went to on saturday.



"christmas rave"


as far as how I'm going to proceed with this blog in light of the post below this I'm not sure a whole lot is going to change here. I think it pertained more to my myspace blog and just my overall time on the internet. We'll see what happens.

jim baker


bonnie said...

I checked out your question about enlarging a photo by clicking on one at another blog. It downloaded. It wasn't a big deal tho, I just hit o.k. or whatever and it was immediate and it opened right away, even tho "save to a disk" was selected. weird. Another change I noticed with blogger is how it looks when you leave a comment. I was confused by it at first. Hey, you got a lot off your chest with that post. I'm glad you're back.

Jim Baker said...

hmmm... since every photo is going to be downloaded now should I start tagging my photos with copyrighted watermarks? Those sure detract from the pictures though. I know that each photo had the potential to be downloaded before... hmmm... Maybe I will just start making them even lower resolution so they can't be printed. or maybe i just won't worry about it at all.

jim baker

TheoJunkie said...

Well, I can't even see the pics on this one... or on your profile, for that matter. just red X's... and when I click the X, it sends me to a Google page that says this:

We're sorry...
... but your query looks similar to automated requests from a computer virus or spyware application. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now.

We'll restore your access as quickly as possible, so try again soon. In the meantime, if you suspect that your computer or network has been infected, you might want to run a virus checker or spyware remover to make sure that your systems are free of viruses and other spurious software.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope we'll see you again on Google.


Here is your reminder about December 17 wings, brotha... send me an email to confirm when and where.

Jim Baker said...


sounds as though they've got your computer on lock down... not sure what thats about.

i'll send you an e-mail... now.

jim baker